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My pet rat is shaking?

21 17:09:22

I have a year old pet rat, who just recently began shaking uncontrollably. Her entire body will rock back and forth, vibrating to the rhythm of her heartbeat, which is irregular. She also has suddenly put on weight, and is looking almost swollen all over. Could this be some sort of disease? I just recently bought two new baby rats, a week ago, and I'm worried this has some sort of connection, however the baby rats show none of the symptoms that she does. Do you have any idea what this may be?
Thank you!

She needs to see a vet. Also, the baby rats should have been in quarantine for three weeks and there should have been on contact between the existing rat and the baby rats during this time. This prevents introduction of new disease between the new rat and the resident rat.  Please check out for more info on quarantine.

As for your girl, it could be a number of things, from fluid retention to seizures. Only a good Vet that knows about rats can help. Its too hard for me to diagnose without an exam. I fear my interference would only delay treatment that could benefit her well being. If you need names of good vets let me know and I will help you. I just need to know your  location.