Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > So do you think the Ivermectin is safe??

So do you think the Ivermectin is safe??

21 17:51:08

Hi Sandra,
Yes ive heard most of these drugs sometimes cause problems in dogs and cats especially Collies. Do you think this will be ok on my girls? I would never forgive myself if something i gave them killed them.
Have you ever used something like Bephar spot on drug from a pet shop? Have you used any Ivermectin product? I wish the vet did Stronghold!!

Dont get me started on politics!! Our politicians give themselves money for their second home so they can be close to work in London!! (they are allowed 50,000 pounds- my taxes- for their kitchen!!!)The house of commons speaker has skimmed off a few million to decorate his home!! You think you have got problems. Our country is a mess. I was thinking of leaving and coming to the states


Hi Vicky

My rats have had the ivermection injections given at the vets office but nothing on my own.  I have always used revolution topically.

How are you supposed to use this ivermectin?

Do they have sores?

Before you do say they scratch often?  
I see rats scratch and groom and scratch and groom for hours at times with nothing wrong with them as far as parasites go.

Do they have sores and scabs  or fur loss?  I cant remember....

Yeah come to the US and move to North Carolina. You know, where everyone says YA'LL and DAWG instead of DOG and its located on the Atlantic coast, rarely snows, summers are balmy and humid and hot ....

BTW I do NOT have that southern accent, I am not from here originally....but we probably all sound the same to you anyhow.  LOL