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Sick Rat

21 16:50:07

Hi! This is my first time having a rat, i've had her for 7 months. I Looked IN Her Cage Saw That She Looked Really sick. She has crust in 1 eye, she has labored breathing,  and she's not active at all. When I usually pick her up, she's excited and wanting to roam around. Now she's just laying down everywhere. It's really heartbreaking to see such a nice rat look so drained... If you can, I was wondering if you can call me at  . Or email, either one works. Thank you!

Labored breathing is not a good sign.  It's likely she has a respiratory infection. You need to get her to a vet ASAP and have her out on antibiotics.  Tell the vet you need both Baytril and Doxicycline for a minimum of 21 days.  Insist on 21 days worth if they try to give Less than that.  If the vet is closed right now, you can help her to breathe better temporarily by putting her cage in a warm and very steamy bathroom for about 30 minutes, and repeat as needed when you notice breathing getting worse.  Also give her tiny bits of very dark chocolate, the darker the better, with 60 % or higher cacao content.  These two things will help to open her airways and hopefully help her breathing.  These are only a temporary fix, if they work at all, and hopefully they will, until you can get her to the vet tomorrow.  

Please write me back and let me know if these home care measures are helping.  Let me know if you have any other questions at this time.  I hope she pulls through.  I'm sending healing vibes her way.

PS your phone number didn't come through due to this sites privacy settings.  You can try finding me on Facebook and sending a friend request as a faster way to communicate.