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rats and ibuprofen

21 17:44:28


I'm a bit nervous about my young (about 5 months old) pet rat, leopold. This morning he and his buddy hercules were playing in a pile of blankets. Somehow leo got onto the floor where he found an advil under our couch and ran away to enjoy it.

I got it from him a quickly as I could but not before he managed to lick off most of the sweet outside and take a good couple of bites of the actual medicine.

It was a 100 mg pill that he had about 3 or 4 rat sized bites of. There is also a chance it was an advil cold and sinus - I couldn't tell because he had licked off all the print on the pill.

Is my rat going to be okay? I had to leave for work moments later so I'm not with him now but my girlfriend will keep an eye on him until this afternoon.

Is there anything I should do for my rat if indeed this is a problem? I did feed him a little rat treat right after in order to pad his tummy against the ibuprofen.

Your help is greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

Matt James

Hi Matt

He should be ok. Rats can take advil and if its cold and sinus, I do believe pseudoephedrine  **MAY be in it, not sure if they removed that particular ingredient from them or not, but rats can also take that too, up to 2mg per lb.

Also, rats can take up to 60mg per lb. so he probably got a dose that is rat safe anyhow.           
Some of the side effects to watch for would be the following:


How is he during this time?