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I want to give my wild rat a friend

21 17:02:06

Hi Sandy, I love your site! Great info and love!
I run an organic farm in Ontario. Mice and rats are a serious problem for us...but I feel we took over their land and are just a massive salad bar for I am sympathetic. The guys should know,,never show me any needy animal as I will take it home.
I took in 4 very young hairless babies, they brought them to me on a shovel after they had destroyed the nest. I fed them, kept them warm rubbed their tummies, but only one survived. At first I called it we did not know the gender. It is a girl now named Angela Lansbury. She lives a very spoiled life now at my house. I thought my Cat had taken her from the Aquarium I had outfitted for her. She was no where to be found. Later that day we found a dead rodent outside that we thought must have been her, so I buried her and put a little grave marker. The next day everyone at the farm was very sad.
When I got home I found my cat very focused on the crack between the stove and the counter....I shooed the cat out and called..Ratface.....and she came out!
I now have her in a very comfortable Cat proof cage.
I take her to work with me everyday, she sits right in the middle of all the action and is very active and comfortable with coming out for a cuddle. When I get home I take her up to my room for a bit of running around on my bed, but she usually prefers to find a pillow case to nestle in for hours.
I read from your site that having a companion is most important to them.....can I get a domestic rat for a companion? From what I have read, it seems it is not a good idea as wild rats can give them viruses they can not handle. I almost want to risk it to give Angela a good life. Also have I done the right thing, depriving Angela of an adventurous exciting life as a wild rat?
Is it to late to let her go in a forest, if I prepare her?
I have had fancy rats in the past when my kids were young, and we loved them. I had to get two of them put to sleep, due to serious illnesses.....and could not believe how attached and sad I was to let them go.
Thanks for your many people are so freaked out by rats. But I feel that any and all creatures have a right to be here, equally.

Dont let her go...she is too human imprinted and can be happy with you. I also raised a wild rat named Holly. She lived to be almost 4 years old and lived ALONE and was happy. She did NOT get along with the other rats though and unless they are raised as babies, I wouldnt even bother trying.  It has nothing to do with disease etc...they do NOT harbor viruses that other rats can get, trust me, she was raised by YOU, they carry nothing natural that other fancy rats dont have, such as they mycoplasma bacteria which I discuss on my site.  Its nothing humans catch so dont causes respiratory issues in some rats.  Did you know our pet rats are almost the same as wild rats, except they are born in captivity and have been bred with lab rats (white rats) that their coats start to mix and take on other colors etc...  I would just keep her and forget about letting her go (rats in wild live about 3 months, dying to predators and the elements and of course by the hands of humans!)