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Weak Ratty?

21 17:25:42

A few days ago I went down to the local pet store and picked myself up a new ratty. He appeared to be too young to be away from mom, just by my own expertise but, at the same time, I figured I hadn't raised a litter of rats in so long that perhaps it was just my not being used to it.

He settled in just fine. Eating, drinking, even playing with my elder boys as though he was just as big as they were. He was right off the bat a lover, albeit -very- mellow.

As of a few hours ago I noticed him acting strange. Waddling as though he's unbalanced and occasionally doing circles. When I hold him, he doesn't grip like usual and simply will topple out of my hand as though he isn't strong enough to hang on.

He's not dehydrated, that's the first thing I checked and despite holding him, he moved around and squirmed as though he didn't want to be held, although when put back in his cage he hunkered down for a nap.

Am I being paranoid and is he just still too little to be all that strong or does this sound like there's something wrong with him?

PS. He appears to be anywhere between 3-5 weeks. I, personally, would say 3-4 but like I said. It's been a long while.

I'd really appreciate the help ASAP.
Thanks so much.

Sounds like the little guy has an inner ear infection.  He needs to see a vet right away for treatment.  However, please be sure the vet you have is truly a board certified exotic vet.  You would be so shocked to find how many people are misled by vets when they say they see exotics or have a vet on staff that sees exotics.  Often, people will assume the vet is a board certified exotic vet but its not the case.  If you need a good vet let me know your location and I will give you names, no matter where you are, even the UK or Canada etc....

Your little guy needs antibiotics and something for inflammation. The reason he is walking in circles is because the pressure on the 8th cranial nerve. This controls equilibrium and if it is subjected to pressure and inflammation this will cause dizziness which causes the rat to walk in circles or spin and even have a head tilt.  Treatment will ensure full recovery.