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my ratty has a lump under her armpit n i cant affored surgery

21 17:11:00

I have 6 dumbo eared rats and i have been very lucky that for a year all have them have been very healthy. i try very hard to keep them well fed with there dry diet as well as veggies EVERY NIGHT. I keep there cage clean and always water in there bottel.SO,Flowers 1 year birthday is in i found a lump under her armpit.I was so upset but tried to keep my cool and do some research. i found that it most likely is a mammary tumor. The big problem is i can afford to have it taken out right now. I just recently lost my job and i am struggling myself. I love my rats and feel as though they are no different then any dog i have owned. I need to know how long i have until it will be either to big for her to go on or to large for surgery. its Sunday so i cant research even how much it will cost so if anyone has info on that as well maybe i can figure out away to make it happen asap.I REALLY DON'T WANT TO PUT HER TO SLEEP just because i cant pay for her surgery. How long does she have? will the tumor kill her?how much is the surgery? overall any advise is much appreciated..THANKS

Hi there

I get sooooooooo many letters like yours and its heart breaking.  I used to say "If you cant afford a vet, dont buy a pet" but stopped saying that a year ago.  Like you, people lose their jobs etc...."stuff" happens beyond our control.  
The good news here is it isnt like she has some horrible respiratory disease that will cause her suffering etc... and mammary tumors themselves are painless.

Please read my website, and refer to the page on tumors to get an idea of what the time frame is.  You wont have to put her to sleep for a long long time so dont worry. I am sure that you may have things worked out where you can have the surgery done, even if you find a vet that is compassionate and will work with you financially. There are some out there, believe it or not.  I have a friend that removes mammary tumors for $50.  He is great with rats and very caring. He has the best interest of the animals ahead of the almighty dollar, which is not always the case with most Vets etc.... these days.  Its not fair of me to say that ALL vets are this way, but I know of a vet that asks the people if they are employed and what is their yearly income on the NEW PATIENT info form.  It is like one of the first questions, followed by a series of questions that beat around the bush about spending money etc..  thats GREEDY!  I have heard of vets turning rats away that are seriously ill, not even offering to put them to sleep to end their misery, saying no money, no service.  Now thats downright CRUEL.  The vets I know would rather save the animal from misery no matter what.  One friend of mine had a lady come in with a rat that was in labor. The pups were lodged in her and she needed emergency surgery.  She said she cant afford it. The vet said he would only charge her for the anesthesia, which was $20.  $20 for an emergency SPAY is insane.  She still said NO....and he said FREE! How about FREE?  He begged her and because he said it was FREE this made her t think it was some botch job and that he probably did not know what he was doing...and she declined again.  The rat died shortly after, because she returned with the dead rat and the dead babies, too, sobbing, asking what  to do with her remains and how sad it was to see all of the dead ratlets too, one still half out of her body.  Just so sad.  I cant blame the rat owner totally....she was obviously used to vets that cared more about money than anything else and thought that this vet was either practicing, using your, maybe never doing a c-section before etc... or simply off his rocker! LOL