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my white rat

21 17:10:23

i hv a female rat {beruna} who has given babies. they are almost a week old
everytime we leave her out of the cage she somehow takes the kids away to another place in a dark corner. i am afraid that a black rat might eat the kids up.also when we found the kids and put them back she became angry{not kidding!} n stopped eating for a day. why is she doing this? please tell what to do about this situation.

Who is the father of her babies? Do you know?

Also, supervise her when you let her out of the cage and when she starts to remove the pups, stop her and put her back in the cage. She is taking them out and hiding them while she is out of her cage.  Do you have her in a safe spot when you let her out to play?  You should keep her in a play area rather than let her just run free. This is dangerous to do.   She is angry when you stopped her from parenting.  You MUST touch and handle her babies though or they will not like humans.

How long have you had your rat?