Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > Foot injury?

Foot injury?

21 17:45:33

I have never owned rats before, but am currently fostering two.  I am planning on finding new homes for them, but just can't seem to do it quite yet, they are so sweet, and maybe having a rabbit and rats wouldn't be that difficult.
However, tonight I let them out, and at the end of playtime I noticed one rat, Fievel, wasn't using one of his front paws.  He would use it if he had to, but generally was walking around with it held to his body.  I flipped him over and took a look, it looked fine and he didn't seem to be in any pain when I was holding his paw and spreading it out gently (he was making a little fist when not using it).
I won't touch his paw again because I don't want to aggravate any problems, but I just wanted to ask if you think it will heal on it's own.  Or could it be a symptom of something more serious?
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Thank you!
-Katie (and Emmet and Fievel)

Hi Katie and the ratties!

Sounds like the little one bumped his little front paw. I love the little fists they make. He probably had is front paw tucked close to him as if he hurt it right?  In fact, I bet if he isnt better by now he will be soon.  You did not mention swelling or broken skin exposing any lesions or cuts etc... so I am going to assume he twisted it during playtime.

Just thing of it this way: You know how you may stub your toe after smacking it into the wall and you nurse it for a while?
Sometimes this happens with animals too.  They step on something or twist it the wrong way and they nurse it till the pain or tenderness eases up some.

Let me know how things are now.

As for fostering them, thats nice you are doing that. You CAN keep them though even with a bunny:)  Buns are usually more hearty than rats and live longer thus in turn they dont tend to be sickly and they dont demand attention as much as rats do.  Well, I shouldnt say that because my bunny stomps his feet all the time when he sees me!  I have a fleet of pets, from four rats, 1 bunny, 4 hermit crabs I have had for several years, 7 cats, 1 dog, and a partridge in a pear tree, oh and some semi adult children and 1 baby...errr....husband.

Keep me posted and if you need me, just let me know!
