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lump on rats left side chest

21 17:51:59

QUESTION: I have a female rat. I have had her for about 5 years and we just took her to the vet to fix her teeth, then about 2 days later a lump just appeared on her chest on the left side under her arm. it appeared suddenly and I'm not sure what it is.she doesn't seem to be in any pain and she is very happy. what might it be, and should i go to the vet to get it drained?

ANSWER: It could be an abscess if it came out that fast but this is the prime location for mammary tumors to grow also.

Usually they dont hurt if they are mammary tumors but an abscess can be tender before it pops. Is there a scab on it, by chance? Does it look sunken in anywhere? Is there fur on it or has the fur fallen out?

Once you answer these few things I can better tell what the lump is.

She 5 years old? That is absolutely remarkable. Rats life span is usually no more than 3 years but some rats live longer. My oldest was close to 4 when she passed away.

Anyhow, let me know about the above questions and I will know more about the lump, but either way it wouldnt be a bad idea to let the vet look at it. If he is a skilled surgeon and knows alot about rats he may even want to remove it.

hang in there


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: hello I am just following up about the rat i have had for 5 years. my female rat's lump doesnt have a scab, doesn't look or feel sunken anywhere, and the fir on it is still there, plus it doesn't seem to get any smaller or bigger.
Thankyou for your time and help. :)


Sorry for the delay, with the Easter Holiday and all I was not on the computer much.          Anyhow, I feel this is a mammary tumor if there is no scab on it and nothing has come to a head etc....
A vet should probably be consulted although he may want to remove it which means she will need surgery.

Do you have a good vet that is a rat expert and certified in exotics?

If not please let me help you locate one...

thanks and hang in there!
