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Rats suddenly seem sick (cold-like symptoms)

21 17:52:01

I've had my two pet rats for several months now. I got Priscilla last year in December. She was pretty young then. Not but about 1-2 months later I got Sweet pea, which was even a little younger than Priscilla was when I got her. Sweet pea and Priscilla got along very well after a careful introduction. Now they are both Females but aren't spayed.
Both rats were gotten from a petstore (I know thats bad..)

Both rats were healthy and doing so well up until last night (Tuesday 19) I set their cage down on my bed to let them out. I lowered the cage door but Sweet Pea only sat at the entrance. All her fur looked ruffled and she was not herself at all. Acting listless. I know my rats really well and can tell when there is something wrong. I didn't notice anything strange with Sweet pea's eyes or nose and she would take a few treats from my hand (a little of homemade biscuit) All she wanted to do really last night was sleep during playtime, curled up in a ball in her favorite basket.

Now this morning she is still acting the same listless behavior and her eye has a little of the red discharge. And now Priscilla has lots of that red discharge on her nose and she was sneezing. Priscilla still is very active but sweet pea seems a bit miserable.

Is there anything I can do for them! I've heard of that dreaded respitory disease---could that be it?

Priscilla and Sweet pea have a 24 inch cage that is similar in design to this (but not the same cage)-

They have carefresh bedding. I change it once a week and scrub the cage out with soap and water. I feed them the block food supplemented with some seed mix for small animals. They get little feedings of vegetables and fruits as well as a few crackers and bread everynow and then.

I'm so worried. I treasure these little critters. Is there any vitamins or supplements I could give to them to help?

Thank you so much!

Well, I'd say yes, it sounds like the onset of a URI (upper respiratory infection)... so I'd recommend a vet. In the meantime, up their vitamin C by giving them chunks of PEELED orange slice, chewable vitamin C tablets, or rose hips. That will help. Keep them warm (not hot, just comfortable) and dry, and try to keep strenuous changes such as sudden environment change to a minimum for now.