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Odd behavior

21 17:28:27

I have a female rex, who is about 2 years old (give or take). I noticed today she was acting sort of funny. So, i took her out of her large wire rabbit cage- which she shares with two smaller rats that were rescued from a pet store-- and let her roam around my bed. That's when I noticed she was rather lathergic, and kind of balled up when she walked. That's when it became really odd, every few 5 or 6 steps her sides would suck in, and one of her legs tucked in under her, and she'll sort of tilt to the side. It looks like she can't control it. But, she's alert, and still jumping up things and running ( though balled up) around. Her chest sounds clear, aside from a few squeaks, and she does have mild discharge from her nose. Her fur seems a little puffy, and her stomach feels real soft, almost creepy soft. Sometimes her whole lower half will flatten, and she's not picking her tail up much.

Any ideas of what it may be? She uses wood shavings for bedding, and is intacked. She's still drinking, and as far as I know, eating as well.

Is this continuous, or coming and going in fits? It sounds as if she may have stroked, or if this continues happening in fits, perhaps seizing. She is older, so we really can't be too surprised by this decline. Keep her eating and drinking and make sure she isn't getting too cold or too hot. I'd get her in to a vet for a comprehensive to double check for any underlying infection.. she may be fighting a myco flareup, and displaying odd symptoms because of it. What wood shavings are you using? Remember that pine and cedar are very bad - use aspen or hemp only.

Good luck, I hope she feels better.