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Dandruff relief

21 17:51:50

Hello Sandra. Thanks for the fast reply. I started giving the boys olive oil, hopefully that can keep the dandruff controlled. I also got some organic cold milled flax at costco, do you think that could also help the boys with the dandruff problem? How much olive oil should I give them and for how long should I do it? Should the dosing be everyday for a week or every other day till the dandruff goes away? Oh, before I forget...the boys have their dandruff on their scalp. Thanks very much for the quick reply & great advice!


I would do it every day till you see a difference and after that  you can  start once a week.  Also, you can bathe him  in an oatmeal bath like aveeno if he is real dried out and only if he likes baths. I would not stress him any.

Its not a cure, just relief of itching.

Hope this helps!