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nasal congestion ni mia

21 17:35:10

 I've got a rat with rattling nosie, so i took her to the vets, they said it was nasal congestion, shes been on Baytril for one week with the dose of 0.1ml once daily, didnt clear up so i phoned the vets back up they put her on Prednicare & Baytril, still hasn't help. The first time i took her to the vets she freaked out very bad, didn't like the vet near her, she was stressed out bad that she was lying on her side me & the vet got worried, but once at home she was fine, apart from that i'M VERY WORRIED ABOUT HER, what else can i do? shes loseing weight? im for the uk.

Thank you
Clare & Mia.

It sounds like a secondary infection.  She should have something stronger than baytril and prednicare is nothing more than a steroid. What on earth would he need that for? Thats mad! She should be on amoxil or some type of penicillin based drug. Some vets have a one track mind and insist baytril is the only drug they can have. If it hasnt worked by now its NOT going to work.

Since your in the UK I am sure the drugs there are under different names but penicillin is penicillin. I would ask for a drug from this family and if the vet declines, find another vet that is willing to help her.

Meanwhile, push fluids and offer baby food. There is enough water in it to help if she isnt drinking and should at least offer some calories while she is on the mend.