Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Miscellaneous Rodents > Ferrets


21 15:51:25


How many vaccines should a ferret have in its first year?

How long do ferrets live?

Would you have any tips on introducing a puppy to a ferret?

Is a cage thats 3x2x2 large enough for more then one ferret or does it need to be bigger?

Can I use cat/puppy toys for my ferret?

Do ferrets like hammocks? Would a ferret sleep in a cat/dog bed?

How many hours should a ferret be out of its cage daily?

How many hours does a ferret sleep daily?

Can I use cat hair ball remidee instead of ferret lax?  

A ferret will need three distemper shots at 6, 8, and 12 weeks of age I believe. They will also need a rabies shot the first year. After that, they will need both a distemper and a rabies booster shot once a year.
They live about 6-8 years normally, sometimes longer.
Main tip for introducing: go slowly and be patient. Let your ferret get used to your house first.
That is a good sized cage for one ferret. If you want more in the same cage, add a level for every additional ferret.
You can use cat and puppy toys as long as there are no pieces that can break off, stuffed toys are not the best as a ferret could rip them and pull the stuffing out, then it would most likely go in the mouth.
Ferrets love hammocks, they will sleep in anything. A small cat or dog bed would probably be loved to death.
I'm not sure exactly how many hours they sleep a day, They play hard and sleep hard.
Cat hairball remedies such as laxatone and petromalt are just fine.