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Chinchilla lost a tooth!!!

21 15:46:16

Hi Ann,

My chinchilla lost one of his lower front tooth today. I'm not sure how.. is there some way to check if the root is still there so that it will grow back?

Should I give him a special diet now? What are the next steps? He's about 3 years old.

Hi Rick,
 It's very important that the teeth of a chinchilla align perfectly. If they don't the chin can have serious problems. A lost tooth can be a problem. The chin may not be able to wear the rest of his teeth down properly and this could cause illness.You have to find an experienced exotics' vet who has treated chinchillas before. The vet will have to look at his teeth to ascertain what can be done so that the rest of the teeth do not suffer. I urge you to find a vet as soon as possible. Only a vet can diagnose treatment. Good luck. Let me know what the vet says.