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Degu & Pet rats

21 15:46:16

Hi, My name is Jennifer and I had two degus and one of them just recently died..and he whines all the time, and I can't find another one any where. Is there any other animals a degu can live with? I have 2 pet rats, but I don't know if they would get along with each other...any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.. Thank you! -Jennifer  

First, I am sorry about the loss of your degu. I would not recommend that you mix any species of animals. The differences would just stress them out and illness would occur. Here is a link to degu breeders.

You can also go to petfinders and make a degu search. You should check in small and furries.

Whatever you do, do not put rats or a rat in with a degu or they may killl your degu. If you do find another degu, that degu must be quarantined. There is also the chance that the two may not get along. You must then have two separate cages.