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Mouse Help

21 15:45:42

I saved a feed mouse from being eaten by a snake (it was just too cute) and now
it seems lonly all it does is sleep. I try to handle it but it jumps out of my hand.
Does it need a cage mate? If so what kind? Feed mouse or Fancy mouse?

Dear Hazel,
thank you for your question.
I recommend seeing a vet with the mouse to rule out any medical problems. The jumping is normal, it just needs time to get used to you and some mice just don't like being handled at all. Offer treats like sunflower seeds or mealworms on your hand so that it gets used to you.

Mice are social and your mouse will definitely need a friend. There's no difference between feeder and fancy mice except the price and the colour (feeder mice usually are pink eyed white/albinos). You need to introduce the mice on neutral ground, for example the bathtub. If they don't fight, put them in a kritter keeper or any other small container for the night, just with some bedding and hay. If everything's peaceful, you can put them into their cage, it needs to be cleaned with vinegar and hot water first. The cage shuold have nothing in it except bedding, hay and of course water and food. If they remain peaceful, you can start offering furniture and toys after a few days, one item every two days (clean all the furniture as well).

If your mouse is a female, then you can get another female. If it's male, try to find a vet who neuters male mice. You have to wait for six weeks, they yuo can introduce it to female mice. Unneutered males can be kept together in small cages, but they tend to fight. You can keep an unneutered male together with two spiny mice or two natal rats (also often bred for snakes), they get along and the mouse won't be so lonely.
I hope I was of some help to you