Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Miscellaneous Rodents > is this a problem?

is this a problem?

21 15:48:53

1. Does she have another rat to live with?
       No, it is just her.
2. She is a girl?
       Yes, she is female.
3. Is it the base of the tail she's chewing?
       It's in about three spots, but they are not all at the base.
4. If not the base where about's on the tail is she chewing?
       One is at the base, one is sorta in the middle, and one is at the end.
5. What bedding is she housed on?
       The bedding is made of reclaimed wood pulp waste. It's CareFRESH.
6. What are you feeding her?
       I feed her Fiesta mouse and rat food, plus some healthy treats, and berry treats every now and then.
7. Are there any cuts on the tail?
       From what I could see, there are no cuts.

Hello Amber,

Everything you ae doing is great. So it just seems like a case of boredom, so a friend would be a good idea (all rat need friends). If not it could be a case of migths, which she will need taking to the vets.

Hope this helps

Thanking You
nitros fancy rats