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Rat behavior

21 15:46:01

I have a female rat named Bailey who is 1 year and 9 mos. old.  She has been battling mycoplasmia ever since I got her.  I have spent hundreds of dollars on her and her cage mate in order to maintain their health.  For the past month or so, Bailey has been losing sight in her left eye and I have been having to have her teeth trimmed by my vet because they started growing in sideways on top and she won't keep them trimmed.  She has also been having scary episodes- becoming extrememly jumpy and violent, thrashing about her cage, running in circles, jumping like she's never jumped before. I tried to calm her by taking her out of her cage several times only to have her spring off of me and hit the wall and then continue to slam into things. She has torn off several toenails doing this and now one of her feet is swollen.  I am debating whether or not to have her put to sleep tomorrow. These seizures or episodes are becoming more frequent, about 1 an hour, and it's as if she doesnt even recognize her surroundings.  She can barely walk, tips over on her back when she tries to groom and just isn't the same anymore. My vet wants to charge me hundreds of dollars to do tests, but I just cannot afford this.  What do you think is causing this behavior?  Should I have her euthanised?  I am afraid she is going to break her own neck with her next seizure and I don't want her to suffer.  She is also having trouble breathing as well.  Please help.


I'm not an expert in rats, but to me it sounds like there could be a tumour in her brain causing the strange seizures, and it would explain the sight-impairment. The cause of the seizures could just as well be epilepsy. In either case, as far as I know, there is no 100% safe cure for rats.

It's always hard to let go of our pets, but we have to put their well-being before our needs. You've taken a great care of her, and I'm sure she knows it too!

There are also rat-experts in the 'Exotic pets' category, feel free to ask the opinion of someone who knows a great deal more about rats than I do. Best wishes to Bailey!