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Degu urine

21 15:46:08

I have two degus.  They got in a big fight, and one was bit on the foot by the other a couple of days ago, so I separated them.  The foot appears to be healing fine, but she is still subdued (although getting more active than a few days ago).  I have her on paper towels as bedding (not what I use in their regular cage).  Her urine is light reddish brown on the towels--the color of dilute Betadine.  Is that normal?  (Since they're not usually on white bedding, I don't really see their normal urine.)  I'm worried she has internal bleeding.

That is normal.  Degu urine is very concentrated anyway, and if she's being more subdued than usual her water intake may not be up to usual either.  Try giving her lettuce, carrots or celery tops--those will make sure she is adequately hydrated as well as being a treat.
Good luck!