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Roborovski hamsters

21 15:43:45

QUESTION: I have 2 roborovski hamsters which are now about 1 and a half years old. however recently they have been acting strangly. at first they began to shred up a toilet roll and appeared to be using it for nesting, this is something that they dont normally do to such a great extent as they were shredding them at quite a fast rate. Then, yesterday we realized one of them was acting very strangly as she was keeping her right eye closed at all times and was not being very active, even when being held; when she did walk she appeared to be quite wobbely. They are also not sleeping together now which is something they have always done before. we also noticed that there is something just underneath her tail, which lead us to believe she might be pregnant, even though they are suposedly sisters, but this still wouldnt explain the eye.
Thanks for your help as i am quite concerned.

ANSWER: Well the making nest would definitely explain the pregnancy idea along with the other symptoms. However are you sure that you have two females? It would seem that if you do then there is no way for her to be pregnant. In this case she will need to see a vet. She may have a blockage that may be what you think is a pup or a tumor even. With the eye that is something totally separate and may be due to something foreign in her eye or even a scratch. You can take a warm cloth and wash it and see if it helps her out.

Either way she needs to see a vet to be safe and 100% sure she is okay and to make sure no pup is stuck.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks for your help, but she seems a lot better now. First she started opening her eye again, and now she is active and pretty much normal again. They have also gone back to sleeping together. Although, she did seem a bit defensive, as when i put my hand in she imediately came in and bit it. Could this mean she has had pups? I had a look to see if i could see any and i couldnt, but i dont know how easy they are to spot. I also noticed this morning that they are sleeping somewhere different, would they do this if they had pups?
I'm not entirely sure of the sex as i bought them as two females, but dont they sometimes get it wrong?
Thanks again for all the help!

Pet stores are not always 100% so you may have babies on the way or out. Usually you will see them and hear them. Different spot for sleeping can be due to the place the nest is made or just something simple like for comfort. I included a website that helps you see the male and female hamsters and tell them apart. Also about hamsters and pregnancy. I hope that this helps.