Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Miscellaneous Rodents > My Hamster

My Hamster

21 15:44:26

QUESTION: My hamster is a perfectly normal, active Albino ??? hamster. He is never
nervous and always seems content and happy. That is until I put my hand
near him and he does not BITE, but instead gets on his hind legs attacks my
hand with his claws (which i don't mind that much because it tickles), but its
been almost a week now and i can't seem to get him to warm up to me. I've
had other hamsters before, but i've never had this problem. (By the way i have
been keeping to a single smell on my hands so he doesn't think im food or a

ANSWER: Well you've started in the right track of making sure your hands dont smell of food. hamsters usually are not tame or even touched alot in pet stores so your hamster is probably not use to people. He will need alot of time more than just a week.

Here are some tips:
1)Train at night when they are more alert and on the go. Since hamsters are nocturnal then this is perfect for getting an alert and ready to go hamster.

2)Rub his bedding on your hand to give him a familiar smell and prior to that wash them.

3)You want to first get him to come near you. This can be done with a treat or food. It may take time but you want him to come to you and not be nervous but dont try to immediately pick him up just let him feel comfortable around you.

4)Once he is comfortable around you and with even taking food from your hand then you can try to have him crawl onto your palm when you place food there. Once he will do all these things then you can close your hand and hold him or even allow him to sit in your lap. He has to feel that you are not going to threaten him. He needs time to go step by step to the holding stage.

Things not to do:
1)Pick him up asleep
2)Handle him with food on you
3)Grab the hamster from above instead of scooping him from underneith
4)have him on high ground like counters ect where he can run and fall

Here are some websites that give more information for you:
This one was just too funny :)_

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Well I think my hamster is okay with the smell, but the sight of my hand still
makes him defensive. I think he's not scared but more insecure and
defensive. I don't know if i can see progress until this territorial issue is
resolved. Is there any way i can get him to let me into his cage without
attacking me? Also when he does start attacking should i keep my hand next
to him or should i back off? And is there any way besides feeding him by
hand that builds trust because he'll grab things from my fingers, but he won't
eat it out of my hand

P.S. i got him to go into my hand by wrapping my hand in toilet paper and
then i put him on my lap. He didn't seem very scared, but should i keep
doing this?

What you have to do is be more patient. He may take a long time to get use to you. Keep doing the treat idea and if he only takes it for a while let him do that yo get use to you. Talk to him and make him know your voice. If he scratches back off and give him some space and try again later. You can always try giving him crumbs leading to your hand so he has no choice but to come into your hand(if you place it far enough in your palm. If the toilet paper idea is working go with that. You can remove a small portion daily until it is only your hand. Maybe he need to get use to seeing or feeling your hand there. You should also see if he had any abuse before you took him as a pet. This may help you understand his personality and fears.