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sick rex rat

21 15:46:30

you may not can help me, but I thought I would ask, my Gracie is a rex rat. about a week ago I noticed a knot in her stomach, now the knot is double the size and she is sneezing alot.  I am not sure what it could be, at first I thought maybe her companion was not female like I thought and maybe she was pregneant but she is getting a very big knot and I don't really know what a pregnant rat is suppose to look like, or if it could be a tumor. my vet doesn't tend to rats.

You have to find a veterinarian that will treat your rat. Here is a search engine that will help you:

Sneezing and growing lumps is not a good sign in rats. She can be very ill and must be seen buy a vet before it is too late. A diagnosis cannot be made without a qualified vet. Please take her immediately.