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Gerbil sudden swelling

21 15:43:08

In the last 2 days our gerbil has swelled up twice her size in
her middle.  She is very swollen.  She was 2 years old this
past August.  She is lethargic as well.  No wheel activity at
all.  She still eats and still drinks and still poops.  That
all seems normal.

There is two different things it can be, either worms or constipation. With worm you will see usually diarrhea and swollen hands or feet.This is something that a vet would have to give antihelminthic drugs for. Since you did not give these as other symptoms it is probably  constipation. Giving her strawberries will help to relieve that issue. Make sure that she does not stop drinking or eating. If that happens you will need to take her to the vet

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