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Chinchilla heatstroke

21 15:43:41

I've read your answer that has to do with a Chinchilla having a heatstroke.

Mine ran out of its cage last night while i fed him and was out running for a good fifteen minutes since he never let me catch him.  When i did i noticed he was restless and trying to lay down on his side. He cried a bit and was breathing heavily so I automatically put him in a well ventilated area and fed him some water as he  laid.  He snapped out of it pretty quickly but i felt as if he was a bit dizzy or something.  Its the morning after and he has been running around, eating all his food, just being himself.  

Is there a need to have a vet visit?
Will he be fine?

I would assume that unless this happens a lot then you are okay with not seeing a vet. Now if it seems to happen every time he plays or that he doesn't recover then it would be a good idea to talk to a DR about it. Make sure to always ask if they see exotic animals because some have no experience in Chins.