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My mouse has changed.

21 15:51:20

Lately, my female mouse has completely changed behaviour wise. She has always been a confident mouse that comes to my hand with no problem but recently she has been very fast, nervous and when i put my hand in the cage she never comes to me. Also, she has started to spin in circles very fast, all the time, non-stop?! I've noticed many bald patches on her fur aswell and now and again she will squeak very loudly as if she is in pain. She eats and drinks, normally, but she just seems to have become a completely different mouse altogether. She is kept in the same cage with another female mouse and I buy lots of ropes, ladders, tubes and other bits of toys so she has no reason to spin because of boredom?! Please reply to my letter as I am desperate for any advice you can give me. Thank you ever so much. Leanne.


It sounds like the spinning in circles could be a neurologic thing.  I'm not quite sure why she'd have the bald patches of fur, but I'm wondering if maybe she's chewing her fur out again, due to a neurologic problem.  I think my best advice to you is to take her to a vet to see what he or she thinks.  If she's squeaking like she's in pain, she might be and a vet may be able to give you medication for it.
Best of luck with your little girl!!