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rat birth

21 15:43:51

QUESTION: Hi,my ray squeaks is having a very weird birth this time.idk what it is but there is something very odd looking coming out of her n she can't push it out,she's been in labor for almost 24 hrs,it doesn't look like a baby rat,it looks like one that is turned inside out...almost like her guts are coming out of her...plz write asap thanku

ANSWER: I know you dont want to hear this but you need to see a vet now. There may be something wrong or stuck. W/o being there I cannot tell you what it is. If you dont get help she may die.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Yea,me n my mom said she needs a vet,but we already have a dog that need surgery on both knees so we don't have the money for it,I might have my dad uthenize her himself,he does it quick which is nice,and he's done it for a few others who have had tumors and gotten really sick,I think she's in pain and has lost a lot of blood..should I go ahead and have him do that?

That is something that I cannot answer. This follows into what you know is best since you are there. But we have had to do this before once on a chicken and once on a kitten. It isnt fun since they are our pets but sometimes it is not looking at feeling but at your animals health and pain. I am sorry that this has happen.

Ode to a Rat
Always poking, always peeking,
Climbing, jumping, sometimes squeaking,
Twitching whiskers, cunning faces,
Hiding in the strangest places!
Nibbling here and napping there,
Always finds the time to spare
A fuzzy "kiss" upon my cheek.
Sometimes I wish that you could speak!
Bright eyes shining full of love,
A furry gift from up above.
Always glad to have me near.
Such a treasure! What a dear!
Folks can have their cats and dogs,
Horses, snakes, and even frogs.
For me you stand out from the rest.
No doubt about it- a RAT'S the best!
by: JCsJanie