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rat or ferret

21 15:43:51

hi i recently got out of a pair of rats who i had to find new homes for because
the rats were extremely un socialable and one bit and had a strange seizure
well i also cared for a guinea pig and cat but the cat died this year and the
guinea pig is pretty east to care for so I was wondering if you think I should
get another rat probably just one this time and a female or if i should get a
pair of ferrets or a small dog.  I already have all the cage requirements for a
rat and few toys that a ferret would like most of my family would like a dog
and i could give her a walk every day around 4 30 and have a back yard. I
have on most nights 2 hours from 600 to 800 of free time for socializing. If
you think a rat well what would you do to socialize her because i had
problems with my previous rats in that department and if ferrets could you
also tell me about the basics including socializing for them.
thank you for any advice

I can give you advice on different animals and you can decide what is right for you. My best suggestion is to visit your local animal shelter or pet store and play with some animals to see how they react to you.

Rats are great pets. Some you get are not sociable and even bite because they are not use to people or trained. In this case you would need to take time to train them and socialize with them to get them use to you. If you went to a pet store you can play with one or two and see how they are. Being you already have the accommodations this may be a good choice b/c it requires not more money being spent on cages, ect.

With ferrets you will need a large cage with levels, lots or toys, and at least two. They will need lots of play time and watching to make sure they dont sneak away or chew things(when out of their cage). It is also well known that ferrets have a unique smell so that is something to consider if you wish to tolerate this.

With a dog there is alot to consider as well. What size, what breed, vet bills, ect. You will want to research breeds that best suit your family. Many needs lots of attention and do very poorly with being alone. You need to determine what size you want, what health problems the breed tends to have, and can you afford the vet bills. There is a great site that may help you decide if you want a dog and what kind:

There is also a great website that tells about training a rat and even details on biting and training:

Dont forget that their are lots of animals out there that need homes. You can look at animal shelters, pounds, ads in the paper, or even for animals needing a home.

I hope that this helps :)