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Degu and cuttlebone

21 15:46:15

ive never had degus before but am about to get 2, i have a big tall cage 4 levels. i was wondering if you can give degus cuttlebone in their cage to keep their claws down it says for birds? also do they live to sleep in the top or bottom of their cage so shall i put the nest box on the top level or at the very bottom? thanks!

I can't say about the cuttlebone, I don't use it and I've not heard of anyone else using it either.  Their nails don't really seem to be a problem as they are forever running and digging.  As for the sleeping preference, it just depends on the animals.  They usually sleep all huddled together wherever...some of mine like up, some like down, some have nothing to do with a box other than chew it up.  I even have a pair that will only sleep on top of the box.  If your cage has wire levels, you should put something in there that is solid to prevent bumblefoot--a very painful condition that develops when they only have wire to walk on.  
Good luck!