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Pet Squirrel

21 15:45:28

My pet squirrel is licking EVERYTHING. She is 3 years old and has never done this
before. Is there something wrong with her?

Dear Krista,
thank you for your question
Does she get enough minerals? Usually, licking is a sign that a rodent is missing salt and minerals in its diet. Offer twigs and branches frmo hazel, oak, beech, birch, poplar, allple or pear tree for the squirrel to gnaw, the bark is very rich in minerals. The trees mustn't be treated with pesticides or stand near a busy street. If you don't have access to untreated trees, you can offer a mineral licking stone, but not all the time since it's possible that the squirrel will eat too much of it, which may cause kidney problems.
I also recommend seeing a vet with it to make sure that she's in good health.
I hope I was of some help to you