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my hamster is being odd!!! URGENT!!

21 15:45:35

My panda bear hamster Sophie is acting strange she is coming out of her little wooden house of her 3-stroy cage(she's totally spoiled!).Anyway she is coming out and scurying around for no reason I watch her and she loves anyone even the cat but she is running like I've just hurt her and she fears me.What should I do?Also I have a cat he is a sleek black tom I call him Panther.Is it true that cats can detect if a rodent is from home because my mom says that he can smell if she belongs in the house and only kills or hunts the birds and the mice that we dont own.If you could e-mail asap that would be great thanks.
Raine Blair and Sophie.

Dear Raine,
thank you for your question.
I think that you hamster is fine, hamsters have tremendous energy and are never stitting still (some tend to sleep a lot, though). Give her something to do: scatter her food in the cage so that she has to search for it, bead her vegetables on a string or clamp them between the cage bars, hide food in crumpled up toilet paper (not the scented kind) or in cardboard boxes, toilet paper rolls or egg containers and change one piece of furniture/one toy every week so that she has something new to discover (her house should always stay the same).

If the cat is used to hunting, he will probably kill any rodent he comes across. Some cats are not interested in rodents inside their cage or just watch them, but there is always a risk, even with cats that have never hunted a mouse in their live.
I hope I was of some help to you