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white-footed mouse

21 15:46:21

My question has to do with the white-footed mouse I caught in my apartment.  I live in an apartment in Northern Virginia with my husband and new baby.  My cats had been sleeping in the kitchen, when I realized they were trying to catch a mouse.  I found the mouse, with an injured foot, under my shoes I had kicked off.  I caught it and bought a small carrier for it and some birdfood (I had mice before I moved to Virginia and they loved birdseed).  It seems to have healed and is getting around quite fast now.  I know it is a baby (I found it at the beginning of April and it wasn't quite 2 inches when I discovered it).

My question is, that the research I've been doing says how these mice carry Lyme disease, etc. and I'm wondering- since I caught it as a baby- what the chances are of disease infestation.  The little mouse seems pretty healthy and I am on the verge of either keeping it or letting it go.  I just figured I've lengthened his life by saving it from my cats.  It seems backwards to let it outside for it only to gnaw it's way back in or get eaten by an owl.  

I'm very much in the opinion that wild animals belong in the wild as they are happier and less stressed there. If it was me I would let it go. It will not be happy on its own as they live with others in the wild. Take it to a safe place far away from your home and let it go. It could be carrying diseases, its possible and no way really to tell. Good luck with your decision