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Itchy Pet Mouse

21 15:42:57

I got a pet mouse from Petco a few days ago. And since then I've noticed that he will not stop scratching. He hasn't lost any fur or bled yet, but I have a feeling he might have mites and I don't want the problem to escalate. I'm not sure what to do. I don't want to treat him for mites if he doesn't have them,but I really want to fix the problem without going to a vet. Do you have an idea of what is wrong, and do you know of any cheap/home remedies that I can use to cure him?


I would recommend you take him back and show them, explaining everything.  Also make sure you let them know what kind of bedding & cage he has.  While it might be mites, there are a few other things it could be, and a proper diagnosis is the most important step in figuring out a remedy.  If he has something that can spread, it is likely they have had others with this same problem.