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Fur loss

21 15:48:52

Hi. Recently my hamster has started losing his fur and bald patches are visible. There are also flakes of skin on him that look like dandruff. He is about a year and a half old and when I started noticing the fur loss I also noticed that he kept drinking an exceedingly large amount of water. Is there something I can do or give him to prevent anymore moulting?

This could be a skin mite called demodex.  It can only be treated by a product called Akudex which is only available through vets.  It is a mange mite and it can pass to dogs and other animals.  I suggest you get him to a vet for skin scrapes!!!

if you do not get it treated he will be completely bold and will suffer.  These mites are very itchy.
get him checked out

Lindsay Newell ANA