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21 15:48:46

Hello, I am considering a trio of guinea pigs as pets, I want to get males from what I've read at the rescue sites it is possible to house them together for life if they are brought up together, anwyays I am wondering how big exactly do these get? lenthwise? how much will a full grown pig eat daily? can they live with my female mini rex rabbit? she is only about 3 pounds and is very friendly, would hagen pellets be ok to feed? is hay needed daily? what about vegtables? how do I go about taming these guys? thank you for any help.

Male guinea pigs can grow to about 20 - 25 centimetres.  How much food eaten a day dpends.  Follow guide lines on the packet of food.

Guinea pigs can live with rabbits but females are more dominent and if she has never had contact with a guinea pig could possibly kill it.  Some people do not recommend putting guinea pigs and rabbits together.  I only keep guinea pigs together and rabbits seperate as they do not live with each other naturally.

Guinea pigs need a diet different to rabbits.  Hay and vegetables should be included every day.  Guinea pigs cannot synthesise vitamin C on their own so you will need to buy a mix with vitamin C in especially for guinea pigs.  Good foods are Supa Guinea Excel which is available from vets and some pet stores and Gerty guinea pig mix.  Vegetables should still be given. Not following the correct diet can cause SCURVY where hair is lost and the skin flakes and is very itchy.  This is the same for humans!!!

Guinea pigs are easy to handle and rarely ever bite.  However they should not be over handled as they will get stressed and are timid creatures.

I recommend you get the trio and keep them together their own housing away from the rabbit, feed the Supa guinea/gerty food with LOTS of hay and vegetables.


Lindsay Newell