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degu cross breeding

21 15:46:04

Could my 2 year old male degu cross breed with a young female rat?  I want
to put them in the same cage for socialization but don't want baby rodents.

Absolutely DO NOT put them together.  They won't breed, but may very well end up predator and prey.  They have very different dietary needs (rats are omnivores, degus herbivores).  Rats need fruits, degus shouldn't have any.  Rats are nocturnal, degus diurnal (awake during the day).  Depending on the type of rat you have, it may get a good deal larger than the degu, thus greatly increasing the risk to your goo.  I have both animals myself and would not risk it for anything.  Please consider getting a second degu at minimum, as rats can live with only human companionship a little easier than degus.