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hi x

21 15:46:10

hi i had a female chinchilla for 6 years and she was round about 6-7 she died febuary 10th 2007. i was devistated . she had a cateract, which we had took her to the vet to see if she needed it sorted but it could of costed her life so the vet advised us not to. (this was when we first got her.) when i went to get her out for her daily run she would normaly jump out of her box at the sound of the cage door opening, she never this time, she was stiff no breathing no heart beat nothing. i noticed a sticky substance comeing from her genitals . can you help it would mean so much to me . i miss her so much .
             thanks kate xx

I am so very sorry. I know how horrible you feel when you lose a beautiful little furball. I have had two chinchillas die. Chins can be very delicate little creatures. Sometimes they develop an illness and become very ill before we even know it. The pain is bad now, but it will lessen. I believe that your baby is still there beside you, watching you and wondering why you are so sad. She is still with her mommy. Let yourself grieve and then, when the time comes, you may want another little furball in honor of your baby. If you want to join our chinchilla Board and talk about her more, this is the link:
If not, you can email me anytime at  I know it hurts a lot now, but try to remember how happy you made her.