Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Miscellaneous Rodents > i dont know if my mouse is pregnant or not

i dont know if my mouse is pregnant or not

21 15:45:49

QUESTION: ok my mouse is a lot bigger than shes was when i got her.
i dont know if shes pregnant or not. she is starting to make a nest and shes really big. shes becoming really thirsty. can she be pregnant.
can you give me the steps if she is pregnant.

ANSWER: This website will tell you everything that you need to know.

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QUESTION: i don't really know now i think she is big because i took out there exercise wheel. the male has gotten fat too. so i real by don't know if she is pregnant or not.
ANSWER: If there is a male in there with her, the chances are good that she is pregnant or will be shortly. Please look at the website that I mentioned. If you still don't know, then I suggest that you prepare just as if she were pregnant. A male and female mouse should not be together. They produce a lot of babies who could very well wind up as snake food if you give them to a petshop. I also suggest that you talk to a vet. All animals should have vet care no matter how tiny.

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QUESTION: you see we are only having one litter because after the babies are born and grow there genitals, we are going to seperate the boys and the girls. is that a good idea?
and thank you for answering.
you will read a lot from me

Breeding is something that should not be taken lightly. Do you have a home for all of the babies once they are born? Do you know that sometimes the moms eat the babies if they are disturbed? Please join this Board:
There is a person who is very experienced with mice on this Board and she can help you.