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Baytril immunity?

21 15:51:08

We have a mouse who suffers repeated water infections and
each time we use Baytril to help clear it. The trouble is that the
infections always seem to return and each time the Baytril takes
longer to be effective - in your experience, is it possible to
develop an immunity to Baytril?

Have you any ideas why he would keep developing an infection?
Could it be related to diet at all?

Finally, can you recommend an alternative to Baytril?

Many thanks for your time,

Hal MacLean.

Baytril is a very good drug.  However its effect could be taking longer due to the infection getting worse each time.  I work with vets and I know that they would recommend baytril.  Talk to your vet and ask for alternative treatments.

The infection could be related to what you are feeding him.  Try him on reggie rat if you are feeding hamster food