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New Chins

21 15:45:05

Ok, so I just adopted two chins from a rescue center and I had a behavior question. Although both are a little shy, I know that will go away with time...but I'm still a little concerned about the way one is acting and I want to know if I should try and take him to a vet. The oldest chin is always active and curious, bouncing around and checking out his new environment, but the younger guy is very withdrawn and quiet...his coat seems healthy but he keeps his eyes squinted most of the time and moves slowly and somewhat sluggishly(though he is friendly and doesn't mind being touched). Is this just normal adjustment or is something wrong? I've never owned chins before but from what I've read this seems abnormal, even for a new chin. Help? :)

Well, what is he looking like now? All chins are different and it may just be the fact that he hasn't taken the move too well. He COULD be sick if he is still very lethargic etc. Is he eating well?

I don't know if you can tell or not, especially with another chin in with him but is he producing stools ok? Chins  poo A LOT. If they don't there is most likely a problem there. If you can't tell, try leaving the other one out for playtime and leaving him in the CLEAN cage for a while. OR, the other way about. Probably having the suspected sick one out would be better.

Stools should be firm enough and tictac sized.

The fact that he likes to be held could be another sign. My Chinchilla had a sore eye and he liked to be held but once it cleared up he was back to his normal skittish self again. Cats and dogs and other animals can be the same, actually. Chins are brilliant at hiding sickness also. They might only show signs when the illness shows visible signs.

HOWEVER, this may not be the thing. Just some little things I thought you should know about!

Hope this helps Mel.

Good luck. (If he is showing more signs of illness bring him to a vet AND seperate both chins. You do not want the other chin to get sick. Double trouble!)
