Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Miscellaneous Rodents > tiny white worms in my hamsters cage

tiny white worms in my hamsters cage

21 15:43:17

i'm very worried about my hamster . I've seen that she's been having a hard time getting up the tube that goes to her favorite room of her cage. Also,when I feed her by hand I see that she has a hard time putting the food in her cheeks , and what also worries me is that it now takes her aweek to eat allthe food in her food bowl , she's not very active either .please try your best to answer my question the best you can.also, it might be useful information that my hamster is along haired hamster.

Tiny white worms in the cage are probably bug larva (ie maggots) usually a sign that the cage isn't being cleaned enough.  You didn't say how long you have had your hamster or how old it is.  From what you are telling me it sounds like your pet is either showing signs of illness or old age.  If the cage is dirty enough to house larva I'm going to guess an illness and suggest you take your hamster to the vet.