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my 2 male rats scratching

21 15:44:35

Hello Dawn, I am growing really concerned about my two male rats which keep scratching. They are both coming up to a year old. One is a lot worse than the other and has about ten scabs if not more, the itchiest areas seem to be the top of his neck and by the shoulders, though he is scratching every where else too. I have treated them both for mites and lice on three occasions but don't belive thats the problem.The vet has seen them twice and hasn't found any sign of lice or mites and only suggests a skin scrap which i can't afford to do unless i know its my only option. I'm worried their allergic to something in my flat(dust,leather sofa), or their not getting what they need in their diet. I feed them mixed cibel and give them fresh veg and fruit, I have put them on bio cat litter which bearly gives off any dust. I've tried bathing them and feel it might be making it worse. If you have any suggestions in any way I would be so grateful for its becoming hard to cope with for I hate seeing them distressed. Thanks so much for your time.
Ruth Taylor

Thanks for using all experts.

I am glad to hear that you are trying different things inorder to help your pets. Since you elimated mites and lice then your next step is diet or allergies in the air. You have already changed the liter, but did you try the air filter in your air conditioner? There are ones that are for pets and catch more hair and allergens and this might help.

Next we can look at diet. Most often scabs are caused by too much protein in the diet, which causes hot spots that the rats scratch. Try eliminating high-protein items such as sunflower seeds, peanuts and dog food. Here is a link of high protein foods that may help in the elimination:

The only other things that may cause itching is bedding. Try going from regular bedding to either shredded paper, corn cob, or even carefresh. I like carefresh even though it is more expensive it is better for sensitive skin and allergies.  Here is site that list a lot to choose from and the reasons they are better vs the other to give you an idea of what is out there and best fits you and your rats.

I hope that this helps you and if you have eliminated bedding, food, air borne, and parasites then I would do the skin scrape. Also try this baby shampoo or even dandruff shampoo and see if this changes anything as well. But try one thing at a time so you can eliminate each thing separately and come to a solution. This way you don't try all this at once and then something works but your not sure that it is.

Thanks again,