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Ferret supplys

21 15:51:26

Followup To
Question -

Could you list the basic supplys needed for a ferret?
Answer -
For basic, just starting out, ferret supplies you need a good sized cage, preferably with an area of solid floor. A food dish that will attach into the side of the cage (otherwise it will get knocked over), a good leak-proof water bottle, a high quality ferret diet, a few toys such as hanging bird toys and such. Litter for the cage tray, aspen or recycled newspaper (pine and cedar are really not good for any animal's lungs). A corner litter box. A harness and leash if you plan to take your ferret outside. And most important, time to spend with your ferret every day.

Hello again

I would like to have more then one ferret but was wondering if I had to get them all at once? Would they like each other more then me? Could you give me any tips on ferret proofing? I heard that some people feed there ferrets high quailty kitten food instead of ferret food, would this be a good choice?      Thanks

I don't believe you need to get them at the same time although it would probably be easier on them if you say, get a pair of littermates as they would already know each other. They would probably like each other for playing and snuggling with but they would like you for trips, new things, and attention.
For ferret proofing, the ideal would be an empty room, with ceramic tiling on the floor and walls. Since that's not always doable, the basic rules are as follows. No electrical cords, no plants (some are toxic), and no small objects they could (and would) swallow.
It is best to feed a good quality ferret food but kitten food is an alternative if they do not like the ferret diet, some ferrets just don't like it.