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Donnie the Dague

21 15:44:35

I have had a dague for the past 5 years almost. He's a male and he was very young when we got him, ready to leave the nest anyway. well he has been fine till about a month ago, I noticed a sore on his left eye. It is sealed shut. I have not took him to the vet yet, thought he may of scratched it on his wheel or something in his cage. should I leave it alone and it will heal itself, or is it his time? He seems content unless I come towards him then he's squeaking mad!

Your degu might have injured himself on his cage or something in it, or he may have a cataract.  You say it is a sore, but give no more description so it's hard to tell.  A cataract is a cloudy covering over the lens of the eye.  If he has gotten sweets in his diet, it can cause diabetes (just like in humans) and one of the signs is cataracts.  

I do recommend you not force his eye open, especially considering he becomes agitated when you approach him--his vision is probably impaired at least minimally and he is scared.  Try talking to him calmly every time you approach his cage.  Degus usually live between 5-9 years in captivity, so your friend might be at mid-life or more towards the end...we don't know. Since he seems uncomfortable, a vet check would be a good idea.

Good luck,