Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Miscellaneous Rodents > rebelious rat

rebelious rat

21 15:48:51

I have a very exhuasting ongoing problem with my 1 year old, female rat.  For the past few months she has been turning her food bowl over.  EVERY DAY it's the same thing; i fill her bowl up, she'll eat a couple bites (if that, it varies), then turn her bowl over.  I've given her a variety of different foods to try from.  Is it because she doesn't like the food? Is she going through some female rat problem?  Is she telling me she's finished eating?  Does she want a boyfriend?  Please tell me!  It's driving me insane!  

It may be because she is bored or is wanting company(another female rat).  Try putting in more toys such as ropes etc...  Also provide her with more bedding and materials she can chew such as wood chews, dog chews and doggy bone biscuits (Big bonio).  if this does not work then you will have to buy a bowl that will clip to her cage such as a bird feeding bowl etc...
