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Weird behavior

21 15:46:42

Hello. I bought a female rat from PetCo that was with five other females. She's been with me for three days now in a two story change. But she's been licking herself i think too much. And she even started licking me! Is this normal for a female rat? She's not even a year old yet, but i'm conserned.

Does the rat live on her own now? It sounds like shes lonely and nervous and is showing behavioural signs in the form of displacement behaviour (the over grooming. She misses the other rats. I suggest that you get her a friend or two. Rats should NEVER live alone, its a very cruel and sad life for them. They are the most social animals and are much healthier, less stressed and friendlier when kept with other rats. Human company is good but it cant make up for that of a rat, you cant cuddle up to her at night, groom her, play rat games with her or even clean her ears! I hope she gets some friends soon or that shes already living with other rats. Good petshops or breeders dont sell lone rats, they should explain to customers that rats can only be bought in pairs. Try joining the fancy rats forum at, there are a lot of rat experts on there and they will be able to tell you how important rat company is for the lovely creatures! Take care