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1 month old baby Rat

21 15:46:41

A friend of mine gave me one of her baby rats after about a month in a half. I've had Chai for a week now and she just died. I go back and forth with my parents so when i was with my dad i left chai with my mom so they could get used to each other. Last night my mom called telling me that she overfilled chai's water bottle and it flooded the cage. My mom says the water reached chais sock which is what she sleeps in and that chai froze to death.I want to know if shes really dead , i know its a childish question but I want to know if shes just hibernating , the water just damped her sock.I don't know what my mom did with chai...i'm still at my dads...if i were their i would of tryed warming her up with a towel and turn on the lites and the heater.

I'm sad to hear that. Unfortunately rats do not hibernate. If the rat's body is cold and stiff, it is undoubtly dead. As a side note, rats should be at least five weeks old before they should be taken apart from their mother, a four week old might still be too weak to make it on his own!