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My Boyfriend and I just bought...

21 15:48:43

My Boyfriend and I just bought a Chinchilla today. All day he did pretty good and seemed happy then all the sudden he started making a high pitched squeeking noise. We looked on the Internet at the noises they make and the noise was an angry noise. What's the best way to keep him happy? And also what's your recommendation for a diet for him? We bought the food they were feeding him but how often do we give him a treat, how much , and what types of fruit are best for him.

Most likely that noise you're hearing is the distress call. It's normal for him to do that in a new environment. He should do it less as he gets more used to his new surroundings. Just try to keep him in a quiet, low activity area while he adjusts.

I prefer using the Marzuri brand of chinchilla food. Kaytee is okay if you can't find Marzuri. Make sure the food is pellets only. None with the little seeds and such in it.

I usually give mine a raisin or two a day, or a piece of dried papaya. Limit fruits as much as possible. Maybe a sliver of an apple a week, maximum.