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Can you train 4 week old baby rats?

21 15:51:36


I just got two little boy rats that are 4 weeks old. I want to litter box train them but I don't think it's working very well.  If I have them in my hands for more than 10 min they either pee on me or something else.  They also will take food from me and slowly crawl on my hand but not very often cause they usually seem too scared. Will they get where they don't pee and leave little turds on me as they get older?  Also when is a good age for me to get them neutered?


As they become more accustomed to you holding them, they will be less nervous.  They will get more curious about thier environment also.  They will pee and poo less then.  In the meantime, just keep doing what your doing, when they poo where they aren't suppose to, put them back in thier cage or litter box.  In time they will get the idea and go there on thier own.  I would refrain from getting them fixed.  If you only have boys, don't worry.  They won't get territorial and fight.  They actually get along very well.  I had 3 boys for 5 1/2 years and they did everything together.  Besides, it is pretty difficult to neuter a rat.  There aren't many vets that can do it.  If you absolutely have no choice but to have it done, wait until they are about 4 months old.
Jason P. Holland